Publications – Louis Kamentsky
- Science. 1963 Dec 20;142:1580-3. Ultraviolet Absorption In Epidermoid Cancer Cells. Kamentsky LA, Derman H, Melamed MR.
- Science. 1965 Oct 29;150(696):630-1. Spectrophotometer: new instrument for ultrarapid cell analysis. Kamentsky LA, Melamed MR, Derman H.
- Science. 1967 Jun 9;156(780):1364-5. Spectrophotometric cell sorter. Kamentsky LA, Melamed MR.
- Cancer. 1968 May;21(5):1019-26. Efficacy of a rapid cell spectrophotometer in screening for cervical cancer. Koenig SH, Brown RD, Kamentsky LA, Sedlis A, Melamed MR.
- Science. 1969 Jan 17;163(864):285-6. Cytotoxic test automation: a live-dead cell differential counter. Melamed MR, Kamentsky LA, Boyse EA.
- Obstet Gynecol Surv. 1969 Jul;24(7 Pt 2):914-26. An assessment of the potential role of automatic devices in cytology screening. Melamed MR, Kamentsky LA.
- Acta Cytol. 1970 May;14(5):307-12. Cell population identification studies. Kamentsky LA, Thorell B.
- Acta Cytol. 1971 May-Jun;15(3):289-91. Machine characterization of human leukocytes by acridine orange fluorescence. Adams LR, Kamentsky LA.
- Cancer. 1972 May;29(5):1361-8. Acridine orange metachromasia for characterization of leukocytes in leukemia, lymphoma, and other neoplasms. Melamed MR, Adams LR, Traganos F, Zimring A, Kamentsky LA.
- Acta Cytol. 1972 Jul-Aug;16(4):281-3. Critical effect of dye concentration on acridine orange fluorescence of fixed thymocytes. Traganos F, Adams LR, Kamentsky LA, Melamed MR.
- Adv Biol Med Phys. 1973;14:93-161. Cytology automation. Kamentsky LA.
- Eur J Cancer. 1973 Mar;9(3):181-4. Initial observations on instrumental differential blood leukocyte counts during chemotherapy of patients with leukemia. Melamed MR, Adams LA, Traganos F, Kamentsky LA.
- J Histochem Cytochem. 1974 Jul;22(7):526-30. Blood granulocyte staining with acridine orange. Changes with infection. Melamed MR, Adams LR, Traganos F, Kamentsky LA.
- Acta Cytol. 1974 Sep-Oct;18(5):389-91. Fluorometric characterization of six classes of human leukocytes. Adams LR, Kamentsky LA.
- Int Rev Exp Pathol. 1975;14:205-95. Automated cytology. Melamed MR, Kamentsky LA.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1979 Nov;76(11):5728-30. Estimation of membrane potentials of individual lymphocytes by flow cytometry. Shapiro HM, Natale PJ, Kamentsky LA.
- J Histochem Cytochem. 1979 Dec;27(12):1649-54. Future directions for flow cytometry. Kamentsky LA.
- Blood Cells. 1980;6(2):121-40. Objective measures of information from blood cells. Kamentsky LA.
- Cytometry. 1991;12(5):381-7. Microscope-based multiparameter laser scanning cytometer yielding data comparable to flow cytometry data. Kamentsky LA, Kamentsky LD.
- Am J Clin Pathol. 1994 Oct;102(4):432-8. Evaluation of a new slide-based laser scanning cytometer for DNA analysis of tumors. Comparison with flow cytometry and image analysis. Martin-Reay DG, Kamentsky LA, Weinberg DS, Hollister KA, Cibas ES.
- Acta Cytol. 1996 Jan-Feb;40(1):31-6. CompuCyte Corporation. Pathfinder System: computerizing the microscope to improve cytology quality assurance. Kamentsky LA, Gershman RJ, Kamentsky LD, Pomeroy BM, Weissman ML.
- Cytometry. 1996 Apr 1;23(4):272-8. Resolution of mitotic cells using laser scanning cytometry. Luther E, Kamentsky LA.
- Am J Clin Pathol. 1996 Jun;105(6):744-55. Immunophenotypic analysis of hematologic malignancy by laser scanning cytometry. Clatch RJ, Walloch JL, Zutter MM, Kamentsky LA.
- Acta Cytol. 1997 Jan-Feb;41(1):123-43. Slide-based laser scanning cytometry. Kamentsky LA, Burger DE, Gershman RJ, Kamentsky LD, Luther E.
- Cytometry. 1997 Feb 1;27(2):117-25. Methods for automatic multiparameter analysis of fluorescence in situ hybridized specimens with a laser scanning cytometer. Kamentsky LA, Kamentsky LD, Fletcher JA, Kurose A, Sasaki K.
- Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1997 Jun;121(6):585-92. Multiparameter analysis of DNA content and cytokeratin expression in breast carcinoma by laser scanning cytometry. Clatch RJ, Walloch JL, Foreman JR, Kamentsky LA.
- Cytometry. 2000 Aug 1;40(4):271-9. Multiparameter analysis of progeny of individual cells by laser scanning cytometry. Bedner E, Ruan Q, Chen S, Kamentsky LA, Darzynkiewicz Z.
- Methods Cell Biol. 2001;63:51-87. Laser scanning cytometry. Kamentsky LA.
- Cytometry. 2001 Sep 1;45(1):73-8. Bivariate analysis of cellular DNA versus RNA content by laser scanning cytometry using the product of signal subtraction (differential fluorescence) as a separate parameter. Smolewski P, Grabarek J, Kamentsky LA, Darzynkiewicz Z.
- Methods Cell Biol. 2004;75:185-218. Next-generation laser scanning cytometry. Luther E, Kamentsky LA, Henriksen M, Holden E.