Since May of this year the call for presentations of projects for the new European programme, Leonardo, has been open. The UEPT-TATIANA is preparing the appliaction of the following projects: Action I

Transnational Pilot Project for the development of an Interactive Multimedia System for the training of technicians in Biopathology that will be able to be used as much, in the Intial Professinal Training, as in the Contined Professional Training.

Transnational Programme of Stays and Exchanges with enterprises and training bodies as much as for young workers as for the trainers.

Action II

Transfer of Innotative Technology materials of Continued Professional Training that will comprise the actions of The Necessary Identification of Training Needs, Production of Multimedia Material for Computer Assisted Teaching, Short Courses of Training and development of the European Sectorial Network.

Transnational Programme of stays and exchanges with enterprises and training bodies for students, personnel and those responsible for training.

Action III

Diffusion and Transference Project of Professional Training in Biopathology through INTERNET with application in The Intial and Continued Professional Training.