We are approaching the end of the year and we would like to inform you about the programme COMETT which has now ended and our new projects.

The COMETT programme successfully obtained the aims stated in its first phases as much in the quality as in quantity of the activities carried out. With it, we acquired experience in the field of training, at this very we are consolidating and expanding an important network which has a lot of transnational partners.

Thanks to your collaboration the exchange of both staff and students or the development of courses today is a reality with guaranteed results.

But we now ought to start looking to the future. One of the first steps is the approval of the transitional measures within the confines of the LEONARDO Programme. Following this, our project RUBY has decided to apply to the ADAPT and LEONARDO programmes. The attendance of the ALFA programme has been an important step for us. At the above meeting we presented a pre-project which is concerned with forming a Network between European and Latin-American partners but always in the field of specialised training.

The transparency in our activities and accounting is an unbreakable norm which allows us to begin the procedure towards the recognition of the Association as an Entity of Public Benefit.

In the name of TATIANA, I wish you a happy new year and a prosperous 1996. With my best regards.

Andres Sampedro


Editorial................................... 1
Courses................................... 2
Symposiums............................ 3
Student Exchanges................... 3
New European Iniciatives........ 5
Forthcoming Events................. 8


IV Incontro Pavese di Citometria
July 1995, Pavia, Italy

Last July the Department of "Medicina Interna ed Oncologia Medica" of Pavia University organised the "IV Incontro Pavese di Citometria". An intensive course titled "Marcatori biologici nella diagnosi, della prognosi e nella terapia delle neoplasie" was given as a pre-congress activity. A practical course with two sessions about "La citometria a flusso per lo studio della proliferazione cellulare" completed the programme at this italian meeting.

First Latin-American Course on Flow Cytometry

September 1995, San José de Costa Rica, Costa Rica

The International Society of Analytical Cytology (ISAC), the Mexican Society of Cytofluorography and the Iberian Society of Cytometry (SIC), organised a course about the diagnostic application of flow cytometry and its utilisation in the clinical laboratory. Carried out over a series of 4 days and with practical and theoretical sessions, the course had participants from Latin America, USA and Europe.

Digital Image Processing Course

September 1995, Coventry, UK

This course, organised by the department of Robotics & Machine Vision of Coventry University (UK) and subsidised in part by COMETT-TATIANA, was designed for engineers, technical managers and academics who have little experience of robotic systems and who are interested in the field of image processing. The course provided an introductory overview of this technology with emphasis on machine vision and robot sensing techniques, adopting a practical tutorial based approach to support fundamental concepts of image processing.


First European Symposium on Current and Future Directions for Clinical Flow Cytometry
June 1995, Granada, Spain

The organising committee recognised the increasing importance of flow cytometry as a clinical tool and the need for broader exchange and discussion of information related to this field. Therefore, this symposium celebrated in Granada tried to ensure that expert speakers from across Europe would be presenting their latest work, thoughts and ideas.

The scientific programme has been designed to cover a wide range of clinical applications and presentations on technological aspects of clinical flow cytometry, including quality control, automation and data analysis.


Beatriz Sampedro Gimeno

A student of Business Administration in the University of Oviedo, Beatriz completed three months period of practical training at the University of Northumbria in Newcastle (UK). She worked in the Overseas Office of the Business School and her work involved new approaches in designing planning management, information management and statistics.

Ana María Tesouro Vallina

A graduate in Chemistry from the University of Oviedo, Ana María agreed to take a placement at the "Institut de Chimie" in Neuchâtel (Switzerland). Focusing on the synthesis and characterisation of the co-ordination polymer and its magnetic behaviour, she also developed a structural using spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction.

Rubén Iglesias Gangoso

A graduate from the Business School of Oviedo, Rubén had the chance to undertake a three month placement at the Placement Unit in Newcastle (UK). His work was centred around the implementation of an integrated management system of student exchanges. As part of his training he also learnt to use the different communication networks.


Adonina García Tardón

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (World Health Organisation) in Lyon (F), accepted Prof. García Tardón from Oviedo University to undertake a two month placement, with the aim of preparing an analysis and a revision of the Epidemiology Study of fibreglass workers from seven European countries.

This project has succeeded in improving links between the two institutions, leading to greater co-operation and the exchange of knowledge, opening doors for future projects in common.

Maria Sivén

Coming from the Pathology and Cytology Department of the University Hospital of Lund (Sweden), Dr. Sivén stayed two months in the Department of Infant Pathology at the University of Liverpool working on the PCNA and its relation to the antigen Ki-67. Her work was based on new technologies such as Immunohistochemistry and Hybridisation "in situ". The results of the work are published in an article entitled "Double Stranded DNA virus recruitment of host cell DNA synthesis for viral replication".

This new exchange of staff has succeeded in strengthening links between members of TATIANA who work in Diagnostic Pathology, improving the flow of knowledge and techniques within this field.



As we informed in the last Newsletter in June, the European Commission has approved a training programme directed at continuous training. TATIANA decided to apply to the first call with a global project whose acronym is RUBY (Recycling and Updating in BiopathologY). The aim of this project is to create the necessary structures for the training of European specialists in the field of biopathology and their continuous training recycling, using learning Multimedia systems. The TATIANA Network presents these following projects in each of the LEONARDO actions:

RUBYTEC (Recycling and Updating in BiopathologY-TEChnicians):

Adaptation of the contents and methods of training directed at technicians in Biopathology. In this way the technicians receive the preparation they need to enter the labour world and/or recycle their knowledge in order to be more competitive. This action is completed with specialised courses given by European experts in this field.

RUBYUNE-1 (Recycling and Updating in BiopathologY in the framework of University-Enterprise co-operation):

The aim of this project is the development and introduction of innovative methods for the training of highly qualified professionals in Biopathology. In this way it is possible to anticipate the technological changes, identifying and creating new qualifications and adquiring key competencies as a base for continuous learning.

RUBYUNE-2 (Recycling and Updating in BiopathologY in the framework of University-Enterprise co-operation):

This second RUBYUNE project gives young people the opportunity of a six month vocational work placement, putting theory into practice, complementary to their studies and always with tutors supervision to direct students training. It also provides a wide scope for training, promoting the gradual development of open European vocational training, particularly through the exchange of information and experiences.

RUBYNET (Recycling and Updating in BiopathologY-InterNET):

This action will be carried out through the elaboration of an Interactive Multimedia Material of training for technicians and graduates in Biopathology and its implementation in the Network Internet. This project includes Initial Vocational Training (IVT), Continuous Vocational Training (CVT) and Continuum. It provides the training organisms, enterprises and professionals of the sector with flexible and innovative tools of open and distant learning in Biopathology.


ADAPT is a European Initiative specially designed to help workers adapt to the evolution of labour market needs, measuring the effect of new technologies in the work place and identifying the emerging training needs. The four objectives are the following: adaptation of workers; improving their qualifications and increasing their flexibility; increasing the industry, services and trade competitivity; forecasting and accelerating the creation of new posts.

TATIANA, committed to training in the field of new technologies, comes to this initiative as the entity in charge of management and organisation as a part of the network specially created for this purpose between the different european partners.

The transnationality of ADAPT requires the simultaneous presentation of the project in three European countries and for this reason, TATIANA has presented the project along with:

- TMB from Etten-Leur (NL)
- IPATIMUP from Oporto (P)

Under the name of RUBY, this project does not mean double financing or activities with the projects presented as part of the LEONARDO programme, but something complementary, with the aim of achieving the necessary support to carry out all the actions successfully.

The activities for which we are applying for ADAPT's support are the following:

Step 1.1 " The development of systems and training programmes"
Continuous training courses for technicians and postgraduates.

Step 3.2 "Co-operation between Research Centres, Training Centres, Enterprises and Public Authorities" "
Transnational Meetings and Seminars.

Step 4.2 "Creation and Development of Information Bases of a transnational character in the field of training" "
Inter-regional and transnational transfer of experiences.

ALFA (América-Latina Formación Académica)

As we informed in the last Newsletter and since the contacts made with the network Newton partners at the XX Latin-American Congress of Pathology held in Santiago de Chile, the Association TATIANA has presented a new application to the ALFA programme in the form of a pre-project on "New technologies in Oncology" (NEWTON).
This pre-project has included the participation of partners from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Portugal, Italy and Spain.
We hope that, in this case, our initiative will be accepted without problems, allowing us to strengthen links recently established between Latin America and Europe.

LEONARDO: Transition Measures

Dated 5th July the European Commission (DG XXII), has conceded TATIANA a total of 35.000 Ecus to subsidize training periods in European enterprises for students / recent graduates.
If you are interested in sending or receiving a student who wants to complete a work placement please, send the relevant form to the Association.


"Slide Seminar on Prostaye Pathology"
Dates: 2-3 February 1996
Contact: Prof. R. MontironiAncona, Italy
Institute of Pathological Anatomy
University of Ancona
Via Conca
60020 Torrette, Ancona
Tel: +39.71.596.48.30
Fax: +

"12th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Distance Education"

Dates: 8-11 May 1996
Contact: Moncton, New Brunswick, CDN
Tel: +1.506.858.4121

"World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia"

Dates: 17-22 June 1996, Boston, USA
Contac: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
Tel: +804.973.3987
Fax: +804.978.7449