Purdue Cytometry CD-ROM

Verity Software House Demo programs

Instructions for Installing Demo software:

DOS / Windows 3.x

Each of the demo software programs for DOS/Windows is found in its own ZIP archive.

These ZIP archives can be copied to your hard disk, either by your Web Browser or by hand, and unzipped to create the installation package.A free version of the UNZIP.EXE utility can be found HERE .

It should also be possible to run the installation packages directly from the CD-ROM in Windows.

WinList for Windows 3.x
  1. (optional) Copy winlist.zip (\6\VERITY\WINLIST\WINLIST.ZIP) to your hard disk, and unzip it.
  2. Within Windows, select Run from the File Menu. Type '[drive]:[directory]\disk1\setup' and press return, where [drive] is the disk drive letter of the installation directory tree, and [directory] is the directory path for the winlist package.
    On the CD-ROM, the directory for WinList for Windows 3.x is \6\VERITY\WINLIST\ .
32 bit WinList for Windows NT and Windows 95

ModFit Lite

Is installed in the same way as WinList for Windows 3.x. The directory on the CD-ROM containing the ModFit Lite installation package is \6\VERITY\MODFITLT\


Is also installed in the same way. The CD-ROM directory containing ReticFit is \6\VERITY\RETICFIT


ModFit Lite for Macintosh

The CD-ROM folder containing the BinHexed archive file is 6:VERITY:MFLTMAC

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