The Purdue Cytometry CD ROM

Clinical/Proposed Consensus Protocols

Clinical Publications:
Communications in Clinical Cytometry
Table of Contents

We wanted to print the entire table of contents of the clinical journal so that you could check out what has been published. Unfortunately, John Wiley & Sons, the publisher of Communications in Clinical Cytometry, refused to give us permission even to publish the titles of articles.

We are sorry for this inconvenience - we really wanted to provide more clinical information on this CD.
Travel Around the Disk Web Pages:

See also the following Consensus Documents in the Cytorelay Web pages of Dr. Guenter Valet.

1. Ring Trial Thrombocyte Immunophenotyping
2. Ring Trial DNA Flow Cytometry
3. DNA Consensus in Image Cytometry

Travel Around the Disk Web Pages:

CD HOMEPAGE | Table of Contents | Sponsor Home Pages | Sample Web Pages