ISAC Specialty Training & Education Program

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AIDS Immunophenotyping


Leukemias & Lymphomas

Proliferation Associated Assays

Integrated Diagnostics
1756 Sulphur Spring Road
Baltimore, MD 21227 

Laboratory Profile

Head: Helene Paxton, M.S., M.T. (ASCP)

1. Facilities: Laboratory has expanded into two locations. A cell biology laboratory with tissue culture facilities has been established in support of the flow cytometry/image cytometry laboratory. The main laboratory houses instrumentation, and clinical and research/development work areas.

2. Instrumentation: There are seven flow cytometers. Three EPICS Profiles, two EPICS XLs, and EPICS elite equipped with argon, He-Ne, and UV lasers, and a FACScan. The laboratory also has an image analysis system with the ability for both light and fluorescence microscopy.

3. Specialization Areas:
Analytical capabilities: Six routinely used IBM PC-compatible flow cytometers are networked for data analysis and storage. Flow cytometry software in use or in testing includes Coulter Elite, Coulter XL, Coulter Profile, Phoenix, Verity, and Becton-Dickinson. For image analysis, RPW is used.
Clinical applications: Routine work includes CD4/CD8 monitoring as well as other extensive two-, three-, and four-color immunophenotyping panels on HIV, leukemias, lymphomas, and other immunological disorders. Routine work is not only referred by nearby hospitals and doctors' offices, but is also sent in by researchers and clinicians in other parts of and outside of the United States. The flow cytometry laboratory is a central reference laboratory for large-scale clinical drug and vaccine trials. Reticulocyte analysis is also done on a routine basis. DNA ploidy analysis by flow cytometry is performed on fresh, frozen, and paraffin-embedded tissues of different types. Urine specimens submitted for DNA ploidy analysis are done by image cytometry.
Quality assurance: The laboratory participates in several surveys including CAP, NIAID, CDC, and New York State which measure the laboratory's performance against other laboratories. The laboratory also participates in the Coulter Instrument Quality Control Program.

R&D/other applications: The flow cytometry laboratory is currently the vendor for the CAP flow cytometry survey. The laboratory has been responsible for the production and packaging of all samples used for the survey since 1989. This responsibility has led to the development of specialized fixation procedures to meet specified specimen stability requirements and to the manufacture of flow cytometry standards.
The laboratory is developing immunocytochemical and fluorescence (FISH) techniques for detecting ERBB2 and P53. Immunocytochemical detection of ER and PR receptors on specific cell lines is being developed for future use in image cytometry.
A procedure for performing DNA ploidy analysis using the UV laser has been developed and will be used to develop five-color analysis.

4. Special Opportunities:

5. Special Courses Offered: Internship possibilities.

6. Graduate Program: None at this time.

7. Local Accommodations: The lab is situated in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan area, with many hotels within 5-10 miles of the laboratory.

8. Transportation: Baltimore-Washington International Airport is less than 10 miles away. There is also easy access to two other major airports.

9. Cost of Internship: $600.00/week

10. Communication:

Helene Paxton
Integrated Diagnostics, Inc.
1756 Sulphur Spring Road
Baltimore, MD 21227

Phone: (410) 737-8500
FAX: (410) 536-1212 

International Society for Analytical Cytology
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If you have suggestions or comments related to the STEP Program in general, problems with this particular page, or you want to know how to be a STEP program lab, send me an email message now or contact me,
J.Paul Robinson, Ph.D, Director PUCL
1515 Hansen B050
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1515, U.S.A.

Phone: (317) 494-0757; Fax: (317) 494-0517