ISAC Specialty Training & Education Program

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Department of Clinical Pathology
William Beaumont Hospital
3601 W. Thirteen Mile Road
Royal Oak, Michigan 48073-6769 

Laboratory Profile

Director: Bruce H. Davis, M.D.

1. Facilities: 1200 square foot facility located within large clinical laboratory of 1000 bed tertiary care hospital and reference laboratory with staff of 8 FTEs, culture facilities, computer network, and general lab area.

2. Instrumentation:
Flow cytometry: Becton Dickinson FACScans (3) FACSprep station, Coulter Profile II, multiple workstations (PCs, Macs, and HP computers) configured as a local area network with Novell software for data analysis loaded with complete Verity software house product line (Winlist, Modfit, ReticFit, Finale, etc .)
Image analysis: CAS model 200 with all current upgrades and software.

3. Specialization Areas: Reticulocyte analysis using thiazole orange and Sysmex R-series instrumentation with derivation of a Reticulocyte Maturity Index. Leukocyte function studies, including oxidative burst, phagocytosis, pinocytosis, Po receptor analysis, bacterial and degranulation assays. Leukemia/lymphoma immunophenotyping using 3 color, CD 45/side scatter analysis. DNA analysis of solid tumors using flow cytometry and image analysis.

4. Special Opportunities: Busy diagnostic clinical flow cytometry laboratory with opportunity to learn virtually all diagnostic applications of flow cytometry with particular emphasis on hematopathology applications. Laboratory has extensive expertise and facilities for the techniques of reticulocyte analysis and neutrophil function. Training both in technical aspects for technologists/technicians and data interpretation (diagnosis) for physicians/laboratory directors.

5. Special Courses Offered: Workshops on reticulocyte analysis and consultant services through Trillium Associates for training, marketing, or billing advice at your own facility.

6. Graduate Programs: Hematopathology Fellowship and AP/CP Pathology residency offered at William Beaumont Hospital with broad training in morphologic hematopathology, flow cytometry, image analysis, molecular biology, and laboratory hematology.

7. Local Accommodations: Several affordable hotels ( <$65/night) within a 2-mile radius of the facility.

8. Transportation: Local airport is Detroit Metro (30-45 minutes by car). William Beaumont Hospital is located 15 miles northwest of Detroit in a quiet suburban area, so car rental is suggested.

9. Cost of Internship: Negotiable depending upon education goals but basic rate of $200/day or $650/week. This includes laboratory manuals for techniques learned, hands-on instrument training, and phone support for two weeks following visit. Training available year round, but requires scheduling.

10. Communication:

Bruce H. Davis, M.D.
Department of Clinical Pathology
William Beaumont Hospital
3601 W. Thirteen Mile Road
Royal Oak, Michigan 48073

Phone: (810) 551-5137
FAX: (810) 551-1262 

International Society for Analytical Cytology
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If you have suggestions or comments related to the STEP Program in general, problems with this particular page, or you want to know how to be a STEP program lab, send me an email message now or contact me,
J.Paul Robinson, Ph.D, Director PUCL
1515 Hansen B050
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1515, U.S.A.

Phone: (317) 494-0757; Fax: (317) 494-0517