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Clinical Flow Cytometry Laboratory Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions 600 N. Wolfe St. Baltimore, MD 21287
1. Facilities: Approximately 1000 sq. ft. laboratory containing flow cytometry instrumentation, preparation area, computer stations, and office space which can be shared by visiting professionals.
2. Instrumentation: Two FACscans with ethernet connections to each other and to separate workstations supporting both IBM PC and Macintosh platforms. Software is primarily commercial from Becton-Dickinson.
3. Specialization Areas: The laboratory is mainly focused on the immunophenotypic characterization of leukemia and lymphoma, with emphasis placed on the use of multiparameter analysis used to help distinguish leukemic and normal cells and to describe the phenotypic complexity of hematologic neoplasias. We have particular interest in developing strategies for residual disease detection.
4. Special Opportunities: The candidate will have the opportunity to view a functioning clinical laboratory and to see a variety of preparative and quality control procedures used in leukemic cell analysis. However, hands-on preparation of current case material is not encouraged. Instead, the laboratory has a significant caseload of list mode files of well characterized leukemias and lymphomas which the candidate will be able to process using the computer facilities. In many cases, morphologic preparations are also available for correlation with flow cytometric findings. Exact program can be tailored to an individual's interest.
5. Special Courses Offered: None.
6. Graduate Program: None.
7. Local Accommodations: Information available upon request.
8. Transportation: Johns Hopkins Hospital is located in downtown Baltimore. Closest major airport is Baltimore-Washington International (BWI), and it is also accessible from Dulles Airport. For travel within the northeast corridor, Amtrak service is available to Penn Station, a short cab ride away.
9. Cost of Internship: Base rate for laboratory experience is $100-200/day depending upon intensity of staff involvement in an individual's particular program. All visits to be arranged in advance for mutual agreeable times, with 1 week maximum. Time and costs can be negotiated for individuals from disadvantaged countries.
10. Communication:
Michael J. Borowitz, MD, PhD Professor of Pathology The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions 600 N. Wolfe St. Baltimore, MD 21287 Phone: (410) 614-2889 FAX: (410) 614-2907
J.Paul Robinson, Ph.D, Director PUCL 1515 Hansen B050 Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907-1515, U.S.A. Phone: (317) 494-0757; Fax: (317) 494-0517