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Maine Medical Center Research Institute 125 John Roberts Road - Suite 8 South Portland, Maine 04107
1. Facilities: 12,000 square foot research institute with multiple laboratory modules, an animal facility for rats and mice with full laminar flow individually ventilated cages for scid and other immunologically crippled mice, computer facilities, tissue culture, and full molecular biology capabilities. Six core investigators and 12 part-time clinical/research scientists/physicians.
2. Instrumentation:
Flow cytometry: Two FACScans, a Profile II, and a 4-color XL.
Other major items: Radioactivity capabilities including beta and gamma counters, plate washers, etc. ; full laboratory capabilities in molecular cytometry, molecular pathology, molecular genetics, reproductive endocrinology, infectious disease, nephrology, and tumor biology.
Computers and analytical: Laboratory is PC-based with all flow cytometers and major pieces of equipment networked in a Novell LAN. The MMCRI LAN is connected to the Main Medical Center network system with full MIS and clinical laboratory computer access. MMC is full Internet node.
3. Specialization Areas: Multicolor parameter analysis of leukemias and lymphomas for diagnosis, prognosis, relapse detection, and treatment monitoring.
4. Special Opportunities: Research opportunities include opportunity to work in one of several specialty laboratories utilizing flow cytometry as an analytical method. Clinical opportunities include the operation and maintenance of a full multifunctional clinical cytometry and molecular pathology laboratory which is integrated with a research institute, a for-profit reference laboratory, and a full service hospital laboratory.
5. Special Courses Offered: To be arranged.
6. Graduate Program: MMCRI is affiliated with the University of Southern Maine, Bowdoin College, Bates College, and Colby College.
7. Local Accommodations: Multiple opportunities in proximity to the research institute are available, including Hampton Inn, Costal Inn, and numerous hotels and country or seaside inns. Call for information.
8. Transportation: MMCRI is located immediately off Rt. 295 and within two miles of the Portland Airport.
9. Cost of Internships: To be determined.
10. Communication:
Edmund J. Lovett, III, Ph.D. Director Maine Medical Center Research Institute 125 John Roberts Road, Suite 8 South Portland, Maine 04107 Phone: (207) 761-9090 FAX: (207) 761-2190 E-mail: lovete.mmcri@office.mme.org
J.Paul Robinson, Ph.D, Director PUCL 1515 Hansen B050 Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907-1515, U.S.A. Phone: (317) 494-0757; Fax: (317) 494-0517