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Swedish Society for Flow Cytometry


The Swedish Society for Flow Cytometry (Svensk Förening för Flödescytometri : SFF) was founded Dec. 1st, 1994.

The objectives of the Society are:

Members of the Board:

Anna Porwit-MacDonald MD, PhD, Ass. Prof.,
Chief Haematopathology Lab., Department of Pathology,
Karolinska Hospital, 171 76 Stockholm
Tel: +46-8-51 77 55 14 (secr.)
Fax: +46-8-51 77 58 43
E-mail: anpo@mb.ks.se

Lotta Mossberg
MLSO, Department of Pathology
Regionsjukhuset, Orebro
Tel: 019-15 21 76
Fax: 019-611 4390

May Fergedal (Dept. of Pathology & Cytology, Orebro
Roger Festin (Dept. of Immunology, UAS, Uppsala)
Stefan Jacobsson (Dept. of Lab.Med., Sahlgrenska, Goteborg)

Election Committee:
Tommy Soderstrom Dept. of Lab.Med, KS, Stockholm
Rodica Lenkei, CALAB, Stockholm
Stefan Jacobsson (Dept. of Lab.Med., Sahlgrenska, Goteborg)

Elisabeth Gronlund
MLSO, Research Assistant
Klin.Pat.lab / Hematologi,
NUS (Norrlands Universitets Sjukhus),
901 85 Umea
Fax: +46-90-13 98 53
Tel: +46-90-785 2542
E-mail: elisabeth.gronlund.us@vll.se

Member of the Board:
Bengt Andersson MD, PhD, Ass. Prof.
Immunologiska laboratoriet
Guldhedsgatan 10A
413 46 Goteborg
Tel: +46-31 60 47 18
Fax: +46-31 82 67 91
E-mail: bengt.andersson@immuno.gu.se