5th International Course, Africa 5th International Biotechnology and Biomedical Conference, AIBBC - VIRTUAL CONGRESS Nov 5-6, 2020
4th Africa International Biotechnology and Biomedical Conference, AIBBC Here
is the COMPLETE PROGRAM for Courses and Conference
Our current funding goal is to provide travel scholarships and support 4 workshops at the AIBBC conference in Nairobi, Kenya - August 26-27,2019
Please consider DONATING to this cause. Your donation brings yet another student from across the vast African continent to the course.This workshop may be the key event that will change the life of this student.
We have a fantastic team of world renowned scientists teaching these intensive 2 day courses and we are anticipating over 100 students.
Teachers: Prof. J. Paul Robinson, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, Indiana, USA
You can see the programme here where all the details are.
Course 1-Flow Cytometry: Understanding & applications Course 2-Point of care diagnostics for resource-limited settings Course 3-Molecular diagnostics (In situ Proximity Ligation Assay) Course 4-New Insights into HIV Infections & Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR
Related ProgramsA recent Presentation by Stephen Lewis at Duke
University Center for Global Health/p>
Thank you for supporting this work.